Mass Communication Scholars

The Robertson School has a special program for its majors who have been accepted into the VCU Honors College. Called the Mass Communication Scholars, it provides mass communication honors students with additional academic challenges, enrichment and other activities to prepare them for professional careers and post-graduate studies.


Robertson School faculty have taken mass communication scholars on field trips to the Newseum in Washington, D.C., and to conventions hosted by groups such as the Online News Association. The school also informs mass communication scholars about high-profile internships, scholarships and other opportunities.


Mass Communication Scholars can take honors courses (or honors sections of existing courses) offered by the Robertson School. These mass communication courses count toward the credits that honors students must accumulate to graduate with university honors.

How to Earn Honors Credits

Mass Communication Scholars can earn mass communications honors credits in various ways.

The Robertson School hopes to offer at least one full-fledged honors course every year. The school may also offer honors sections of existing courses and provide challenges and enrichment in those sections, including:

Graduating with Honors

To graduate with mass communication honors, scholars must:

  • Maintain an overall 3.5 GPA and a 3.5 GPA in mass communications.
  • Maintain good standing in the VCU Honors College.
  • Complete 18 credit hours in honors courses or “variants” (honors breakouts of regular courses). At least 15 of these honors credits must be taken in the school. At least three honors credits must be completed each academic year.
  • Attend at least four honors-speakers events or colloquia each academic year.
  • Complete a mass communications capstone, three-credit thesis or project course, MASC 492 Independent Study.
  • Complete an approved international component. (Generally, this means participating in a study-abroad program or taking a course that requires a close examination of other cultures and countries.)
  • Compile a dossier or portfolio of their communications-related work.

Many of those requirements parallel the requirements of the Honors College. For example, all honors students must maintain a 3.5 GPA, attend honors lectures and present a dossier. Under the mass communications scholars program, honors students would take more of their honors courses in the Robertson School and would highlight their advertising, journalism or public relations work in their dossier.