
Published work by Robertson School faculty covers topics from corporate social responsibility to health communications and political communication. Explore faculty work below.

Corporate Social Responsibility 

Crisis Communication

  • Tao, W. & Song, B. (2020). The interplay between post-crisis response strategy and pre-crisis corporate associations. Public Relations Review.42(2), 101883.
  • Wen, T. J., Li, J., & Song, B. (In press). Does public segmentation matter in crisis communication? The interplay between public segmentation and crisis response strategies. Corporate Communications: An International Journal.  
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Messner, M., Jin, Y., & Medina-Messner, V. (2015). From #Mcdonaldsfail to #Dominossucks: An analysis of Instagram images about the 10 largest fast food companies. Corporate Communications: An International Journal 20(3), 344-359

Health Communication

  • Alkazemi, M. F., & Van Stee, S. K. (2020). Electronic direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals: an assessment of textual and visual content of websites. Health education research, 35(2), 134-151.
  • Choi, M., & McKeever, B.W. (2019). News Framing of Avian Flu: Media advocacy & response to a public health crisis. Newspaper Research Journal, 40 (4), 451-466.
  • Guidry, J., Austin, L.L., O’Donnell, N.H., Coman, I., Lovari, A., & Messner, M. (2020). Tweeting the #flushot: Beliefs, barriers, and perceived threats during different periods of the 2018–2019 flu season. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 11, 1-10. 
  • Guidry, J. P. D., Carlyle, K. E., Perrin, P. B., LaRose, J. G., Ryan, M., & Messner, M. (2019). A path model of psychosocial constructs predicting Zika vaccine uptake intent. Vaccine, 37, 5233-5241.
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Carlyle, K.E., LaRose, J.G., Perrin, P., Ryan, M., Messner, M., & Adams, J. (2018). Framing and visual type: Effect on future Zika vaccine uptake intent. Journal of Public Health Research, 7(1).
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Laestadius, L.I., Vraga, E.K., Miller, C.A., Perrin, P.B., Burton, C.W., Ryan, M., Fuemmeler, B.F., Carlyle, K.E. (2020). Willingness to get the COVID-19 Vaccine with and without emergency use authorization. American Journal of Infection Control, 49(2), 137-142.
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Miller, C.A., Ksinan, A.J., Rohan, J.M., Winter, M.A., Carlyle, K.E., & Fuemmeler, B.F. (2021). COVID-19 related misinformation and parents of pediatric cancer patients. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 27(2), 650-652.
  • Guidry, J., O’Donnell, N. H., Miller, C., Carlyle, K., Perrin, P. (2020). Pinning pain, despair, and distress: Suicide–related visual content on Pinterest. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention.11(5)1-8.
  • Guidry, J., Vraga, E.V., Coman I., O’Donnell, N. H. Nihar, S., (2020). (S)pin the flu vaccine: Recipes for concern. Vaccine. 38(3). 5498–5506.
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Vraga, E., Miller, C.A., Laestadius, L.I., Occa, A., Nan, X., Ming, H., Qin, Y., Fuemmeler, B.F. & Carlyle, K.E. (2020). HPV Vaccine on Pinterest: Before and After Pinterest’s Actions to Moderate Content. American Journal of Public Health, 110 (S3), S305-S311
  • O’Donnell, N. H., Guidry, J. P. D. (2020). #BeTheMatch: Assessing how personal narratives on Reddit promote the importance of donating bone marrow. Journal of Health Communication. 25(8) 660-670. DOI:10.1080/10810730.2020.1836088 
  • O’Donnell, N. H., Willoughby, J. F. (2017). Photo–sharing social media for eHealth: Analyzing perceived message effectiveness of sexual health information on Instagram. The Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine. 40(4), 149–159. DOI: 10.1080/17453054.2017.1384995

International Communication

  • Alkazemi, M.F., Fahmy, S., & Wanta, W. (2018). The promise to the Arab world: Attributes of U.S. President Obama in Arabic-language tweets. International Communication Gazette, 80(2), 119-134.
  • Alkazemi, M.F., Wei, H. & Wanta, W. (2019). Terrorists or pilgrims: A comparison of attributes of Chinese Muslims in the world press. Journal of Media and Religion, 18(1), 13-26.
  • McIntyre, K., & Sobel, M. (2021). Salary, suppression, and spies: Journalistic challenges in Uganda. Journalism Studies, 22(2).
  • Moreno, A., Navarro, C., & Alkazemi, M.F. (2018). How the public and public relations professionals interpret leadership in Spain: Results from the comgap study. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 23(1), 84-99.
  • Roman, N., Alkazemi, M. F., & Stewart, M. C. (2020). Tweeting about terror: A world systems theory approach to comparing international newspaper coverage online. International Communication Gazette, 82(6), 507-525.
  • Sobel, M., & McIntyre, K. (2018). The State of Journalism and Press Freedom in Post-Genocide Rwanda. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(2), 558-578.

Journalism Studies

  • McIntyre, K. (2020). ‘Tell me something good’: Testing the longitudinal effects of constructive news using the Google Assistant. Electronic News, 14(1), 37-54. 
  • McIntyre, K. (2019). Solutions Journalism: The Effects of Including Solution Information in News Stories About Social Problems. Journalism Practice, 13(8), 1029-1033.
  • McIntyre, K., Dahmen, N., & Abdenour, J. (2018). The contextualist function: U.S. newspaper journalists value social responsibility. Journalism, 19(12), 1657-1675.
  • McIntyre, K. & Gyldensted, C. (2018). Positive psychology as a theoretical foundation for constructive journalism. Journalism Practice, 12(6), 662-678. 
  • McIntyre, K., & Lough, K. (2019). Toward a clearer conceptualization and operationalization of solutions journalism. Journalism.

Nonprofit Communication 

  • Guidry, J.P.D., Waters, R. D., & Saxton, G. D. (2014). Moving social marketing beyond personal change to social change: Strategically using Twitter to mobilize supporters into vocal advocates. Journal of Social Marketing 4(3),240-260
  • Song, B., & Wen, T. J. (2018). Integrating Incidental and Integral Emotions in Non-Profit Communications: An Experiment of Blood Donation Message. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 1-18.

Political Communication

  • Alkazemi, M.F., & Wanta, W. (2018). The effect of oil prices on the media agenda: A model of agenda building. Newspaper Research Journal, 39(2), 232-244.
  • Barnidge, M., Gunther, A., Kim, J., Hong, Y., Perryman, M. R., Tay, S. K., & Knisely, S. Politically motivated selective exposure and perceived media bias. Communication Research. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0093650217713066
  • McLaughlin, B., McLeod, D., Davis, C., Perryman, M. R. & Mun, K. Elite cues, news coverage, and partisan support for compromise. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 94, p. 862 -882. doi: 10.1177/1077699016655755
  • Meganck, S.L., Guidry, J.P.D., Messner, M. & Medina-Messner, V. (2019). @JunckerEU vs. @MartinSchulz: How leading candidates in the 2014 European Parliament Elections campaigned on Twitter. First Monday.
  • Men, L. R., Yang, A., Song, B., & Kiousis, S. (2018). Government-public relationship cultivation in the digital era: The impact of public engagement and political leadership communication on social media. International Journal of Strategic Communication 12(3), 252-268. 
  • Perryman, M.R., Where the Other Side Gets News: Audience Perceptions of Selective Exposure in the 2016 Election, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Volume 32, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 89–110.
  • Perryman, M. R. Biased Gatekeepers? Perceived hostile media attention in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Forthcoming at Journalism Studies. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2019.1598888
  • Perryman, M. R., Davis, C. R., & Hull, S. Perceived community acceptance of same-sex marriage: Persuasive press, projection, and pluralistic ignorance.
  • Perryman, M., Foley, J., & Wagner, M. (2020). Is Bad News Biased? How Poll Reporting Affects Perceptions of Media Bias and Presumed Voter Behavior. International Journal of Communication, 14, 21.
  • Wagner, M.W. & Perryman, M.R. Mediated Democracy: Politics, the News, and Citizenship in the 21st Century. CQ Press.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

  • Alkazemi, M.F. (2021). Teaching in Different Cultures. Struggles, Strategies and Scholarship of Teaching Race. (R. Blom and G. Daniels, Eds.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Alnashmi, E., Alkazemi, M.F., & Wanta, W. (2018). Journalism and mass communication education in the Arab world: Towards a typology. International Communication Gazette 80(5).
  • Al-Sumait, F. Tryzna, M., Alkazemi, M.F. & Boone, E. L. (In Press). Evaluating Intercultural Communication Competence in the Expatriate-Majority State of Kuwait. Journal of Intercultural Communication. 21(3).
  • Bajkiewicz, T.E. & Nash, K.S. (2023). When a plan comes together: An analysis of assessment plans from accredited U.S. journalism and mass communication programs. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 78(1), 25-39.
  • Bajkiewicz, T.E. (2022). Plain plans: Using ‘Plain Language’ to meet ACEJMC’s assessment plan posting requirement. Journal of Media Education, 13(2), 5-13. Bajkiewicz, T.E. (2020). It all starts with a plan: A review of best practices for program assessment plans in journalism and mass communication. Journal of Media Education, 11(3), 5-12. 
  • O’Donnell, N. H., Messner, M., Medina-Messner, V., Crenshaw, J., Rodriguez, R., & Tugas, F.  (2020). How Mass Communication Programs Can Facilitate Voter Engagement on Campus. Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication, 10(2),  55-58. 
  • O’Donnell, N. H. (2019) “Think different”: How to incite creativity with a two–word campaign challenge. Journal of Public Relations Education. 5(2). 132–138.
  • Messner, M., Medina-Messner, V., & Guidry, J. (2016). Global Health and Social Media: Using Instagram and Twitter in an open online class for global service-learning projects. Communication Teacher, 30(4), 185-189.

Social Media

  • Alkazemi, M. F., Bayramzadeh, S., Alkhubaizi, N. B., & Alayoub, A. (2019). The physical environment and patient satisfaction ratings on social media: an exploratory study. Facilities.
  • Alkazemi, M. F., Guidry, J. P., Almutairi, E., & Messner, M. (2020). # Arabhealth on Instagram: Examining Public Health Messages to Arabian Gulf State Audiences. Health Communication, 1-9.
  • Choi, M., & McKeever, B.W. (2020). Culture and Health Communication: A comparative content analysis of tweets from the United States and Korea. International Journal of Communication. 
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Austin, L. L., Carlyle, K. E., Freberg, K., Cacciatore, M., Jin, Y., & Messner, M. (2018). Welcome or Not: Comparing# Refugee Posts on Instagram and Pinterest. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(4), 512-531.
  • Guidry, J.P.D. & Benotsch, E.  (2019). Pinning to Cope: Using Pinterest for Chronic Pain Management. Health Education and Behavior. doi: 10.1177/1090198118824399
  • Guidry, J.P.D., Meganck, S.L., Lovari, A., Messner, M., Adams, J., Sherman, S., & Medina-Messner, V. (2019). Tweeting about #diseases and #publichealth: Communicating global health issues across nations. Health Communication, 1-9.
  • O’Donnell, N. H. (2018). Storied lives on Instagram: Factors associated with the need for personal visual identity. Visual Communication Quarterly. 25(3). 131–142. DOI:10.1080/15551393.2018.1490186

Trade Publications, Opinion-Editorials and Think Tanks

Other Professional Scholarship

  • 2019, Logo, “Protect Your River”, Client: Lower James River Roundtable, Richmond, VA; Creative Director: Jay Adams.
  • 2019, Social Media Sponsored Post, “Solving Parenting Challenges.”, Client: Pediatric Associates of Richmond, Richmond, VA; Agency: Dotted Line Collaborations; Creative Director: Jay Adams.
  • 2018, Website Design, “Join. Train. Prevail.”, Client: Hanover Fire-EMS, Hanover, VA; Agency: Dotted Line Collaborations; Creative Director, Designer and Developer: Jay Adams.
  • 2018, Online Video, “Boots To Fill”, Client: Hanover Fire-EMS, Hanover, VA; Agency: Dotted Line Collaborations; Creative Director: Jay Adams.
  • 2018, Social Media, “Calling All Chosen Ones”, Client: Hanover Fire-EMS, Hanover, VA; Agency: Dotted Line Collaborations; Creative Director and Designer: Jay Adams.