Karen McIntyre, Ph.D.
Affiliated Faculty Member
Office hours: By appointment
- Ph.D., Mass Communications, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2015)
- M.A., Journalism, University of California, Berkeley (2011)
- B.A., Journalism, California State University, Chico (2007)
Research Interests
- Socially responsible journalism approaches such as constructive journalism or solutions journalism
- Press freedom and journalism practice in East Africa
Select Publications
- Lough, K., & McIntyre, K. (2021). A systematic review of constructive and solutions journalism research. Journalism, advance online publication.
- McIntyre, K. & Sobel Cohen, M. (2021). Public Trust in State-Run News Media in Rwanda. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(3), 808-827.
- McIntyre, K. (2020). ‘Tell me something good’: Testing the longitudinal effects of constructive news using the Google Assistant. Electronic News, 14(1), 37-54.
- McIntyre, K. (2019). Solutions journalism: The effects of including solution information in news stories about social problems. Journalism Practice, 13(1), 16-34.
- McIntyre, K., Dahmen, N., & Abdenour, J. (2018). The contextualist function: U.S. newspaper journalists value social responsibility. Journalism, 19(12), 1657-1675.
- Google Scholar
- McIntyre, K., Abdenour, J., Maduneme, E., & Skjerdal, T. (2023). Investigating the gap between journalists’ role conceptions and role performance in Rwanda and Ethiopia. Journalism Studies, 24(12), 1497-1517.
- McIntyre, K., & Sobel Cohen, M. (2022). Journalistic role orientations in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya. International Communication Gazette, doi: 17480485221141608.
- Sobel Cohen, M., & McIntyre Hopkinson, K. (2023). Press Freedom and the (Crooked) Path Toward Democracy: Lessons from Journalists in East Africa. Oxford University Press, Journalism and Political Communication Unbound series.
- McIntyre Hopkinson, K. & Dahmen, N. (Eds.). (2021). Reporting Beyond the Problem: From Civic Journalism to Solutions Journalism. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
- International Communication Association
- MASC 691 - Solutions Journalism
- MASC 676 - Media Law and Ethics
- MASC 203 - Journalism Writing
- MASC 475 - Capital News Service
- MASC 684 - Multiplatform Storytelling
- 2021, Hillier Krieghbaum Under-40 Award, AEJMC – “one of the highest honors that AEJMC can bestow on a member”
- 2020, Nominated by VCU for the SCHEV Rising Star Award; VCU only nominates one person for this state-level award by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
- 2020, Best Paper Award, African Journalism Studies journal, AEJMC annual meeting
- 2019, Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Junior Woman Scholar Award, Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication
- 2018-2019, Fulbright Scholar. Funded one academic year of research and teaching in Rwanda.
- How journalism can empower and engage audiences without making them feel depressed, VCU News, 5/18/2021
- Inspire Indeed: Choppin’ It Up Geek, WRIR 97.3FM, 11/17/2020
- The J Word: Episode 1. A Podcast by Journalism Practice, Solution Journalism and Participation, 7/13/2020
- Exploring constructive journalism with Karen McIntyre. Demystifying Media Podcast at the University of Oregon, 5/14/2020
- How to be intentional about consuming coronavirus news, Greater Good Magazine, 3/30/2020